viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

Hi everyone. Today the topic is about my future job. The way that I chose was the archaeology one, and as you know is a totally outsider job! The fieldwork is one of the most important elements of the archaeology. Although there is some indoor work too. Revision of bibliography, documents and previos papers from other researchers, and the subsequent recopilation of all the information after the prospecting, excavations and interviews with the groups under study. So is a mix of both. But I have to admit that the outider part is my favorite, and what I feel most passionate. Also is a job of too much traveling. Depends on your area of study, but in my case I actually want to know at least a little bit of all cultures in the five continents. Well, maybe not all the cultures in the world. That´s could be hard to reach. 

In relation to the speciality of my career, well, in fact archaeology is already a speciality, inside the general career of anthropology. But, if I going more deep in the matter, my interests going to the archaeoastronomy, a subdiscipline that emerged in the last century, but pretty incipiently, and now has become stronger thanks to the increasing interdisciplinary fieldwork. So, in this way my plan is to take some courses of astronomy, and also of climatology, which can give me a better preparation. I took a free course of astronomy, offered by Eduabierta, a online platform created by the University of Chile, called "Acercándonos a las Estrellas", and I learned too much there. Of course is just the beginning. 

And finally, the million dollar question. The salary. Well, the pay is not so bad. While I can live with all the things that I need its fine enough.  

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