viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Summer Holidays

Well, well. There´s a lot of places I want to know. Especially places in which developed ancient civilizations, like Egypt, Greece, India and China. And of course, the Pacific islands that I mentioned a few weeks ago. But thinking in holidays, getting some rest of an entire year studying and also working, and staying in a paradisiacal place, Thailand is the place that comes direct to my mind. 

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Nice, is it? Thailand is the dreamed place for some people for they honeymoon. Cottages with view to the sea and the rainforest behind of you. But that´s not all. On beaches it arise huge pillars of rock that seems belong to an ancient mountainous cord, and gives to the landscape some air of mysterious and magnificence. 

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Some things that you can do there is visit temples. Temples are an icon of this country, and most of all, from the buddhism. . I think temples are such an excellent location for learn about this beautiful culture and people. Also is a place with people from other countries congregated and shared practices or at least, the interest about all that. Markets are also a good choice for knowing people and contemplate closer customs and the everyday of these people. So, some very recommended places are Bangkok and their numerous temples, like Wat Phra Sri San Phet and Wat Phra Ram, royal temples located at Grand Palace, or Chiang Mai, other turist city. I leave you a link :

Okay, there is another reason. Camboya is the country next to Thailand, and these are the ruins of Angkor Wat, the most huge buddhist temple. A phenomenal masterpiece, Angkor War had conserved until these days almost completely. If you go there some day, Thailand or Cambodia, make sure of visit Angkor Wat. 

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