martes, 14 de junio de 2016

A subject you have enjoyed studying this semester

In a beginning, archaeology 1 was my favorite subject. Archaeology is the specialization that I want to choose once I finish the basic cycle. But as time has passed, there is other subject that it like to me more than archaeology 1. Anthropology 1 classes are very interesting and less rigid than other subjects. Generally, visit us a teacher from more advanced grades and does a class of the many texts that we have to read. That is for the first block. In the second block we often do grupal activities about the class. The thing that I like about the class is the contents. The focus has been primarily about the concept of individual and social person, his rol in the community, his identity and ways for understanding development of human being in society. Recently we are working on an ethnography, which is basically an detailed observation of normal behavior from a group of persons. This asignature it makes me doubt about the specialization. Now I must to consider two options (Social Anthropology and Archaeology). But I still have time. 

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